Charter of Commitment for Sustainable Mobility in the Algarve
Understanding of departure
“Sustainable Mobility” is a multidimensional concept that depends on the effort of all and aims to respond to the needs of the population (residents, visitors and tourists) to access the various activities that constitute the basic support of quality of life (housing, employment school, culture, health, sport, purchase of essential goods, etc.).
Responses take into account the most vulnerable groups in the system (low income, blind, elderly, etc.) in a commitment to universal accessibility, and the needs of efficient freight transport and urban and intermunicipal logistics.
The objective is to enable current and future generations to minimize social, environmental and financial costs, to make more efficient use of existing resources, to promote new transport technologies and new mobility services and to use renewable energy whenever possible , enabling an integrated multimodal transport system for the region and financially sustainable management models in a commitment to all stakeholders.